Press to play gameView on GitHub

Elemental Assault was a collage project I worked on where we had to make a 2D game that incorporated some form of analytics. For analytics I decided to used a Add-On for unity called Dishooks which allows you to send messages from inside of unity to a discord server of choice. This form of analytics used in this project is not the most conventional nor the most effective but it was a good learning exercise into using and API to affect something outside of unity.

Game play demos

In this video, I showcase how the player is able to setup a game against the AI opponent.


In this video I demonstrate how to connect to a online multiplayer game where you can play against your friends.

The game uses 'Photon' in order to have multiplayer services.

Code snippets

The game is initialized by creating all the cards for both the player and the opponent. Note there is a check for whether the game is in easy or hard difficulty. Unfortunately I haven't had time to fully implement the hard mode into the game, though this mode would have 5 elements instead of 3.

After the card is created it plays an animation of it flipping over for better game aesthetics.


After players have played cards the function 'CheckWin' is called. This function is responsible for comparing the played cards and determining a winner.


Both cards are analyzed and whichever player has the winning element wins the game.


If both players have the same element then the game is decided based on card strength which is an integer between 1-10.
